a parent and child holding hands

Child custody is one of the most difficult decisions that separating parents face. Whether you need help negotiating a custody agreement with an amicable former spouse or you face a challenging litigation dispute that requires representation in the Courts, Johnson Duffie can help you navigate the complexities of child custody matters. 

Our child custody attorneys in Harrisburg, PA, will passionately advocate for your parental rights.

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Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody

Custody is not as simple as deciding where your children will reside. The experienced child custody lawyers at Johnson Duffie can help you understand your options, which may not have to include a battle in open court.

There are two major types of child custody that differ in the rights and responsibilities they give to parents — legal and physical custody. 

Legal Custody

Legal custody gives you the right to make major decisions about your child’s life. This includes but is not limited to their education, medical treatment and religious upbringing. Joint or shared legal custody means both parents share these responsibilities. Sole legal custody allows just one parent or another interested party, such as grandparents, to make these decisions.

Physical Custody

Physical custody is simply where your child lives and sleeps, including their daily care, such as what they eat at mealtimes. Even if both parents share legal custody, an agreement or Court Order may impose a different living arrangement.

Types of physical custody that can be exercised in a custody dispute include:

  • Sole physical custody: One parent exercises primary physical custody to the exclusion of other parties.
  • Joint physical custody: This “50-50” arrangement means both parties share equal physical custody of the child. Traditional schedules include a week-on, week-off basis or a 2-2-3 arrangement that ensures both parents have significant and regular time with their child.
  • Primary physical custody. One party has more custodial time than the other, even if it’s just one more overnight per month.
  • Partial physical custody: One party has less than 50% of the overnight periods. 
  • Supervised physical custody: The parent who does not have primary physical custody of their child has supervised visits with a private supervisor or at a professional facility. 

Why Trust Us as Your Child Custody Law Firm

All child custody and visitation matters are unique. The child custody lawyers at Johnson Duffie are prepared to help you achieve the best outcome in your child custody case. That may include a custody conference, where we reach an agreement through mediation or good-faith negotiations. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we are prepared to handle your case in the courtroom.

Pennsylvania custody laws are complex. You need attorneys who understand the minute details and can help you comprehend your rights and responsibilities under the law. We bring decades of experience to our clients so that you can move forward with confidence.

Reach out to Our Child Custody Attorneys in Harrisburg, PA

In complicated and emotional family law matters, it is never too early to hire a Pennsylvania child custody lawyer. We represent parents and other interested parties, such as grandparents or family members who have cared for the child in the place of a parent. 

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