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Choosing a Harrisburg Medicaid Planning Lawyer

It can be difficult to know exactly how long the Medicaid application process will take. By preparing now, you can make sure that you and your family are able to continue living comfortably without losing money to nursing home costs that can easily run up to $14,000 per month. Many people are surprised by how complicated the Medicaid application process is and wish that they had started applying sooner.

Work with an experienced Harrisburg Medicaid planning attorney to ensure that you are eligible for Medicaid when you enter a long-term care facility or when you need in-home nursing care. The law may enable you to access Medicaid to cover nursing home expenses which preserves your family assets. Below you’ll find reasons why you should work with an experienced Harrisburg Medicaid planning lawyer to start your Medicaid Planning!

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What is Medicaid Planning?

Medicaid planning is a fairly general term that can refer to any preparation done before completing a Medicaid application. The best case scenario is that you just have to collect and prepare the necessary documents, which any Pennsylvania lawyer with experience in elder law would be glad to help you with. A more complicated case might involve completely restructuring your financial assets so that the application process goes smoothly, and this is definitely a situation when you would want to seek the help of a knowledgeable lawyer. 

In many cases, senior citizens aren’t able to qualify for Medicaid until after they’ve depleted their own personal funds. However, advanced Medicaid planning can help you or your family member qualify for Medicaid quickly after entering a nursing home, allowing for comfortable living and potentially saving your family’s finances.

Why do  you need a Medicaid Planning Attorney?

Have you and your family discussed Medicaid planning? Have you broached the subject with a Pennsylvania lawyer yet? Most people don’t even begin thinking about planning for Medicaid until their loved one moves into a nursing home and they see just how much skilled nursing care, in addition to room and board, cost per month. The cost varies widely by facility, but the average nursing home cost is around $180,000 a year. Most people can’t continue paying for that out of pocket for very long, even if they’ve been saving up for retirement.

In many cases, senior citizens aren’t able to qualify for Medicaid until after they’ve depleted their own personal funds. However, advanced Medicaid planning can help you or your family member qualify for Medicaid quickly after entering a nursing home, allowing for comfortable living and potentially saving your family’s finances.

If you have assets you need to move them into categories that are not considered as counted assets for Medicaid purposes.

A non-lawyer is not likely to know what those categories are or how to create the documents that are necessary to shield those assets.

Seemingly simple errors can result in your Medicaid application being denied, and you just can’t afford to make that kind of mistake.

Having your Medicaid application accepted can save money for your spouse and your children or grandchildren because the cost of a nursing home won’t be coming out of your pocket.

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